Pt. Jasraj has been awarded with 5th Glory Awards 2013

Pt. Jasraj, Anup Jalota and Sanjeev Gupta
Pt. Jasraj, Anup Jalota, Sanjeev Gupta and others

Mumbai, Jan 20, 2013 (Washington Bangla Radio) Legendary bhajan singer Anup Jalota conceptualized Glory Awards four years back to recognize the talent of Indian classical singers and artists.

Today, Glory Awards has reached its peak by awarding “5th Glory Awards” to Indian classical vocalist Padma Vibhushan Pandit Jasraj from the hands of Mr. Sanjeev Gupta, Managing Director, Global Advertisers on 19th January 2013 at Nehru Center in Worli.

On the occasion, Sanjeev Gupta, M. D. of  Global Advertisers said “we are honoured to be associated with Anup ji. On-behalf of Global team, I would like to congratulate Pandit Jasraj ji and I truly value his contribution in making Indian classical vocalists popular internationally.”

5th Glory Awards 2013 Poster (Hoarding)

Pt. Jasraj has been awarded at 5th Glory Awards 2013

Posted by: Posted date: January 20, 2013 In: Asia, Entertainment | comment : 0
Pt. Jasraj has been awarded at 5th Glory Awards 2013

CAPTION: Sanjeev Gupta, Pt.Jasraj and Anup Jalota.

Mumbai: Legendary bhajan singer Anup Jalota conceptualized Glory Awards four years back to recognize the talent of Indian classical singers and artists. Today, Glory Awards has reached its peak by awarding “5th Glory Awards” to Indian classical vocalist Padma vibhushan -Pandit Jasraj from the hands of Mr. Sanjeev Gupta, Managing Director, Global Advertisers on 19th January 2013 at Nehru Center, Worli,Mumbai.

On the occasion, Sanjeev Gupta, M. D. of Global Advertisers said “we are honoured to be associated with Anup ji. On-behalf of Global team, I would like to congratulate Pandit Jasraj ji and I truly value his contribution in making Indian classical vocalists popular internationally.”

Building the perfect property

Point of View – Building the perfect property


Spot on!



I thoroughly enjoyed reading Rajasrshi Bhattacharjee’s article ‘Building the perfect property’ in the latest issue of Business Standard. In the article, Ramanujam Sridhar of brand-comm rightly recognises that ‘The property you are trying to create needs to be close to your core proposition’.


Several brand campaigns fall flat because they fail to keep this simple insight in mind. I know this is true from my 16 years in outdoor media solutions business.


I hope to see a similar article on the art and skill on using outdoor media to build a brand in my favourite media publication.


Thank you for doing such a great job.


Sanjeev Gupta

MD, Global Advertisers

To manage time, manage people

Effective leaders understand that delegating work is half of time management

Time management is rarely aproblem for leaders who understand people management. Why put quality and efficiency at risk by trying to manage too many things at the same time? Why indeed when you can get team members to do it for you?By Sanjeev Gupta

In other words, if you are good with people, you will know how to create, work in and lead a team that takes on your workload and leaves you to strategize, lead and innovate. For a leader, this means identifying, nurturing and monitoring people who can share some of the work that one does in the course of a normal workday.

Of course, one has to understand that a leader still has to be grounded, informed and vigilant for every shift in the emotional climate of his workplace to stay on top of the situation. This is because the energy of a team cannot rise above the enthusiasm of its leader.

Sanjeev Gupta is the MD of Global Advertisers, a 360 degree OOH media solutions company, known for its innovative offerings, media-mix plans and value-for-money approach